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    One Payment$497.00
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Want feedback on an additional 10 pages?

Special one-time offer, only $197!
If you've got pages ready to go and need expert eyes on them, choose this!

Save you oodles of time and stop wondering if you're on the right track.

Nice price just for people who enroll in Develop Your Book Idea & Get Writing this spring!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xDevelop Your Book Idea & Get Writing$0

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Develop Your Book Idea & Get Writing$0

"This course was super helpful for clarity. My ideas are really percolating."

Nichole Ekman

"This course was just right for me -- interesting, challenging, thought-provoking."

ML Sather

"This workshop helped me shape my writing and increased my focus. It helped a lot with knowing what my book is about."

Michel M.

"This workshop brings focus and direction in developing the book idea."

Fernand P.
